Candidates have to apply only Online. Details of the application fee and the steps in the application process are given below.

PD: Person with Disability
Application Process |
Step 1:Decide Payment Option
- Gateway Payment:
Payment can be made using netbanking. Bank service charge is extra (maximum of Rs.30/-)
- Challan Payment:
Payment by cash at ICICI, Indian Bank or State Bank of India branches. Bank service charge is extra (maximum of Rs.25/-)
Step 2: Obtain SC / ST / PD Certificate (if applicable)
Authorities empowered to issue Certificates
Step 3: Apply Online
Candidates must follow the instructions provided while applying online.
At the end of this process, a PDF file will be generated with the following pages:- Page-1: Instructions
- Page-2: GATE 2012 Application - GATE Copy
- Page-3: GATE 2012 Application - Candidate's Copy
- Page-4: Address Slip of respective zonal GATE office
- Page-5: Bank Challan (for Challan Payment option only)
Take a print out of the entire file on A4 size white sheets using a laser/inkjet printer. |
Step 4: Cash Payment: (only for Challan Payment option)
The bank challan (Page-5) will be printed in triplicate. Take it to any one of the branches of ICICI, Indian Bank or State Bank of India (as opted by the candidate) and pay the fees. Bank will retain a copy and will return two copies to you. In those two copies, retain the Candidate's copy with you and attach the GATE Copy with the application. |
Step 5:- Paste your recent photograph (3.5 cm X 3.5 cm) in the designated place of Page-2. Before pasting, please write your name and application number on the backside of the photo with black ball point pen.
- Sign at the designated place of Page-2.
- Paste Page-4 on top of a 10 inch x 12 inch size laminated envelope.
Step 6: Post/Submission
Before posting your application form, make sure that, in addition to the other relevant attachments, you have attached either a copy of the degree certificate or a certificate from your college principal as indicated below:- Candidates should submit a copy of the degree certificate or provisional certificate if they have passed their qualifying degree in 2011 or before.
- Candidates with the following eligibility conditions should submit a certificate signed by the Principal of the college, where the candidate is studying, clearly indicating the year of passing of the candidate in the qualifying degree.
- Students in the final year of Bachelor's degree programme in Engineering/Technology/ Architecture (4 years after 10+2).
- Students in the final year of Master's degree programmes in any branch of Science/Mathematics/ Statistics/Computer Applications or equivalent.
- Students in the second or higher year of the Four-year Integrated Master's degree programme (Post-B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology.
- Students in the fourth or higher year of Five-year Integrated Master's degree programme or Dual Degree programme in Engineering/Technology.
To download the format of the certificate to be sent by the candidates, click here.
Candidates With Backlog: Candidates with a backlog of papers should submit a copy of the marks sheet of eighth semester (for those in Bachelor's degree programme in Engineering/Technology/ Architecture or equivalent) or a copy of the marks sheet of fourth semester (for those in Master's degree programmes in any branch of Science/Mathematics/ Statistics/Computer Applications or equivalent).
Duly filled-in Application with appropriate enclosures must be sent by Speed Post (preferably) or by Registered Post to The Chairman, GATE of the Zone corresponding to the 1st Choice of Examination City, so as to reach on or beforeMonday, 24th October, 2011
It can be handed over personally to the respective Zonal GATE Office on or before Monday, 24th October, 2011. |
GATE 2012 Examination will include both ONLINE and OFFLINE examinations as per the following schedule:
GATE 2012 results will be announced on March 15, 2012 at 10:00 hrs and will be available on the GATE websites of IITs and IISc.
GATE 2012 score is valid for TWO YEARS from the date of announcement of the GATE 2012 results.
GATE 2012 results may be made available on payment basis to interested organizations (educational institutions, R & D laboratories, industries, etc.) in India and abroad based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between IIT Delhi and the requesting organization. Details in this regard can be obtained from the Chairman, GATE, IIT Delhi.
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